Thursday, September 27, 2007


After making this webpage I realize now that i don't know what to write... So I thought I'd write about public announcments today. As opposed to say, announcing things via TV or radio, anouncments are blasted across the city from giant loudspeakers. They're really loud and you can hear it where ever you are, even in your house. And what kind of things are anounced? Well, during voting season it's 'Get out and vote!' and during the monsoon season typhoon warnings are broadcast. But you know what the most common thing anounced is? You guessed it, lost old people. Really. Someone's grandpa or grandma gets lost, they (not the old people, their sons and daughters) call the city hall and give a description of their lost family. And you'd be surprised on how often this happens-at least 3 times a month- 'Mr. XXX wondered out of his house this morning and has not been seen since. He was last seen by Seiyu supermarket wearing a green shirt and blue pants. If you see him please contact the city hall." Apparently old people just wonder off a lot here.