Sunday, March 16, 2008

I love Slayer

Spring is finally here and the weather is wonderful, and our alien baby should be born any minute know (literally actually).
So I started thinking about how much I really love Slayer. I mean, I really do love Slayer. How could you not? They are the epitemy of all that is metal. I'm pretty sure that deep down everyone really likes Slayer. Did you know that even Tori Amos covered one their songs? Who knows who else is a secret Slayer fan. I bet even the Pope likes them.

Of all the things that can't be depended on in this world, I know I can always depend on them. If I buy an album I know I will hear the words blood, death, antichrist and hatred -- most likely in the same song. Somebody should put together a little program to create random Slayer lyrics. How about something like this -- "bloody death, sacred anarchy, putrid stains of hatred." Sounds pretty Slayer to me.

Yeah I know they're anti-religious (except for that anti-abortion song they had, "Silent Scream". What the hell was that about?!) but it just wouldn't metal if if wasn't, and it definitely wouldn't be Slayer.