Monday, October 5, 2009

Richard Dawkins is an Idiot

Well I guess my promise of writing on this thing at least once a month didn't work out... I just got back from the US and heard the most amazingly idiotic thing I have ever heard.

Summer Camp for Atheists.


And its backed by none other than Richard Dawkins - you know that guy who thinks he can prove that God doesn't exist.

The funniest thing is that the camp and Dawkins for that matter are very religious about their atheism. They are proselytizing. Trying to raise religious atheists.

Basically the camp tries to show kids the "error" of religious thinking by teaching them how to think rationally. Now I have no problem with a non-religious camp or a religious camp and would send my kid to either one if I thought 1) it was a fun camp and 2) it didn't disrespect others' beliefs. This camp sounds like fails on both counts. A camp that teaches that miracles and magic do not exist and that everyone else that doesn't think like us are wrong.

Which brings me to my next point. Atheists are bigots.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am religious but I have no problem with the agnostic. In fact most if not all religious people are agnostic to some extent. Most of us doubt or have doubted at one time or another. The agnostic says "maybe there is a God, who knows?" while the atheist says " there is no God. You're wrong." By saying that you've just ruled out all other possibilities. Now if you are religious I guess there are two ways to go, you can be open and except the possibility that you don't know everything and that other belief systems maybe right, or you can be a zealot and say "Only my religious is right. Go to Hell." hmmm... sound familiar? It's not very different from the atheists' claim is it?

If anything is irrational it is not the religious claim but the belief that there is only one truth, one possibility. Okay now an atheist might say, "I am open, just prove it to me with empirical evidence that there is a God and I will believe." No you're not because you are basing all truth on empirical evidence. If you take science to be the only means to truth than that is not being very open. You're just being a zealot, a scientific or "rational" one rather than religious one.

You can't, nor should you try although unfortunately some Christians and atheists do, prove the existence of God. God says so Himself. The scientific and religious criteria for truth are different. Of course they are not completely opposite - you need to have a kind of faith to practice science and faith is not totally blind but based in part on reason. In science you base truth on empirical and rational evidence, while in religion you base it on faith. Faith is not belief in the sense that I believe that the sun will come up tomorrow, it is trust in something beyond yourself. And if there can be any proof it is in the life of the believers.

Anyway don't send your kids to the camp.