Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Baby Thing

It's late and I need a shower. I wonder if this entry will make sense in the morning...

I realized that for a blog that was supposed to be about our kid I had yet to give any updates. Well, Kazu's just starting to show and we got a new picture of the alien! And you can see the spine! In fact that's all you can see. What once appeared to be a well-formed alien now seems to be a shapeless blob, with a spine. What happened to its arms and legs? I'm still convienced that it's an alien but it may not be the type I thought. Maybe its one of those blob aliens that can change their shape. The 'spine' is probably just an implant. The good news is that giving birth will be easy. The blob-baby just slides out, making a soft 'shlurp' sound. 'Shlurp!'

We also had a little scare at the hospital. Appearntly the whole hospital is being penalized for insurance fraud?! So we were worried that we'd have to change hospitals. But since it health insurance doesn't cover birth we're not effected. Long story, maybe I'll continue it tomorrow.


cyberpantz said...

So, how's the progress? Are you able to telepathically communicate with your alien love-entity yet?

What's up Shawn. I just got back from a epic journey... New York, Amsterdam, Belgium, & Luxembourg... it was good fun although that part of Europe is a bit lonely this time of year... but man the Van Gogh museum was really cool after eating a whole box of shrooms. Hope everything is going swimmingly.

- Frank

Shawn said...

Hey I didn't notice this comment until now! Well I'm not sure about telepathy but he did appear in a dream a few days ago...

How long did you go for!?