Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just one more month!

Well it's only one more month till the due date and we got everything we can ready for the alien baby. A new dresser, child seat, etc. The shopping part was kind of fun. So we just sit back, relax, and worry about stuff. Honestly though it doesn't seem quite real yet though... I guess thats normal for a guy though. I mean the woman has this thing growing in her for 9 months or so, while we just watch really. I assume it will feel real once its actually born. Unless it really is an alien, then I suppose it will take a little longer.

It is apparently going to be a big baby. And if its a boy i think we'll name him Eli. What do you think? We haven't decided if its a girl. If it is a sexless alien then Xrblixs.

By the way, I finally gave in a rented X-men 3. It was total crap. Why on earth did they fxxk it up so bad.

1 comment:

Esperanza said...

I like "Xrblixs." Its strong but not overly pragmatic.