Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More Baby Stuff

Sorry, more anecdotes about our alienbaby...
My mom sent me the old mobile I used to have above my crib.
So I immediately set it up for our kid. Of course, since we have
a futon and not a crib I had to attach it to the bookcase at the head of the futon.
He seems to really love it, now that he's just starting to be able to follow things with his eyes.
No matter how may times I rewind it and play it, he just stares at it wide-eyed and every once in a while
gives sort of a surprised laugh.
I wonder what is going through his head...

"Oh my god its a blue bird! And a yellow one! A blue one again! There's so many of them! Where are they going!
My rooms going to be filled with color birds! Holy $%&!!

Probably something like that.

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