Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Torihada Minoru

Thought I'd write a bit about some comedians I like over here. Actually I'm not sure if comedian is the right way to describe this guy though...

I'm not sure how to classify him. I want to say 'comedian' but I don't think anyone is sure when he is serious and when he is joking. His main 'act' is a parody of Japanese ultra-rightwingers (called 'Uyoku' here). Uyoko drive around in this big black buses blaring the national anthem and shouting things like "Loyalty to the Empire" and other fun stuff. So Torihada drives around in a small van yelling things that make little sense... He has even been known to stand out in Tokyo and Osaka with a loud speaker giving 'campaign speeches.' But the funniest thing is that despite all his nonsense and outrageous monologues, people on the right and left actually take him seriously. Torihada means 'goose bumps' by the way.

He has also appeared in a few movies, namely: Space Police (his latest, haven't seen it yet), Tanaka Hiroshi no Subete, Bikyaku Meiro, and his greatest Getting Wild with Our Monkey, in which he plays a flaming gay recluse.

Mike Rogers has a great page about him too.

His suit is covered in kanji, which is also a parody of the 'Uyoku' here who often wear clothes with political statements or things like 'the soul of Yamato,' roughly equivalent to a guy wearing a 'Don't Tread on Me' T-shirt in the U.S. Torihada's sleave lists the days of the week...

Here's a sample of a campaign speech I translated into English:

This morning I awoke to find four oranges beside my pillow.
Hmmm... It's summer already I thought, and when I finished eating all four of them,
I jumped out of my futon.
42 years old, mod raptor,*
and self-styled bird trainer.
I am a member of the Communist Party of Japan and I like fruit.
I work from 8:00 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening at the bread factory,
and during my break I hold Amway meetings to recruit new members.
Once a month on my day-off, I beat the crap out of Sokagakkai members.
President of the Japanese Boomerang Association,
Torihada Minoru, 42.
I reside in a public housing development.
I can't keep up with the assembly line at work and am a Kuroyume* fan.
Walking around in Waikiki suits me,
and I only use Rappa no Mark*
Yamazaki Bread, American Football captain,
This is Torihada minoru, 42.
I've been taking Dolphin therapy for five years now,
was born premature and raised in a capsule.
I am also on welfare.
I have nothing really to say,
a politician without a message.
But I'm good at introducing myself and
am trying to improve my reputation.
I'm endorsed by the top breeders.
Torihada minoru, 42,
night-blind quarterback.
The artist I respect the most is Daisaku Ikeda.
My favorite actresses are Keiko Matsuzaka and Kayo Matsuo
My favorite saying is "Nothing but a drop in the bucket."
When I jump on my trampoline, I get dizzy.
At the Yamazaki Bread Factory, I am chief of the sandwich section,
in charge of the pickles.
Ah, making sandwiches is harder then it looks doesn't it!
Dammit I said TWO cucumbers!
Do that bread with jam over again!
There is no bread that I can't handle!
Listen, this is my career buddy.
I ain't no part-timer!
You little brats... you think you're so smart don't you?

It is now time for me to return to work.

*Raptor- I think this refers to the Hawks, which conservative politicians are sometimes referred to (?)
*Kuroyume- Japanese punk band
*Rappa no Mark- stommache medicine

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