Friday, May 16, 2008

First Two Months

Well its been almost two months since Eli was born so I thought I'd write a bit about what it like and all that stuff.
I almost wrote "what fatherhood is like" but it still seems weird referring to myself as a father. It honestly still hasn't
sunk in totally. Every once in a while it suddenly pops in my head, 'hey! I'm a dad!' One thing I can say though is that before he was born I was worried that I wouldn't have time to do the things that I wanted anymore. And well, I don't, but it doesn't seem to bother me. I haven't even really thought about it. Maybe part of it is just sleep deprivation (I sort of remember what a full nights sleep is like...) but its actually fun to have a kid. Except when he cries. Then I'm like dude stop crying! But does he stop? No. What the %&#%?

But we're getting used to that too. The first few weeks we both freaked out every time he cried. "What the $&# do we do! What's wrong with him!" I think we finally realized that crying doesn't mean he's going to die or something.

Here's some general observations I've had:
1. Your own child really is the cutest child on Earth.
2. I always repeat for some reason any sound he makes.
3. Japanese people really like towels (more on that next time).
4. Babies are really really heavy.
5. I don't know any children's songs (so I've been singing him Tom Waits. This doesn't really count as an observation does it...)
6. Baby pooh isn't that gross (not yet anyway)
7. Diapers are harder to change than they look.
8. Giving a baby a bath is harder than it looks. (But maybe thats just because Eli moves so much! It's like the kid is constantly trying run, laying down)

Next week: Towels!

1 comment:

ME said...

Did you ever write about the towels?